Questions To Ask Before You Replace Tile
There are many different types of floor tile to fit any room style. It’s extremely versatile which makes it a super popular material. Tile flooring can remain functional for many years — and replacing it can be an inconvenient experience — so it’s sometimes challenging to determine the best time to get new floors. You may need to ask yourself these questions:
When were your tiles installed?
Because of its durability, floor tiles can last 20 years (low quality tile/installation), 30-50+ with high quality tile and proper installation. This is why tile is so popular in kitchens and bathrooms because of the material’s ability to stand up to liquid splashes and spills with easy cleaning. But as with every component in a home, floor tiles do have a life expectancy and will eventually begin to wear down. An older home could have tiles that are decades old and entering into the end of their functional life span. Are your tile floors starting to show their age? If the grout is already chipping away, tiles are cracked or fading, the situation is only going to get worse as they age.
Are they damaged?
Once a floor tile is broken or chipped it has to be completely taken out to be replaced. The problem with this solution is material availability. Most manufacturers only keep styles in stock for a limited time. If your tiles are old enough that you can’t replace them a full tile replacement is likely a better plan.
Do they look outdated?
There are certain design trends that are simply locked into the decade that they arrived, like the 1950’s pastels or the mustards and avocado colors of the 1970’s, for example. Even styles from the early 2000’s are starting to feel dated. Sometimes going with a classic neutral color or style helps your tile last for the ages. If your tile floor is not as modern or trendy as you’d like, it may be time to reach out to our experts at Ashworth to help you make a change.
Would a softer surface be more comfortable?
As our feet age our needs change and over time tile can become uncomfortable, cold and impractical. Carpet is soft, warmer and has the cushion you need to absorb every step with ease and just as easy to maintain. If you’re already tired of walking on a hard surface like ceramic tile then maybe it’s time to replace it with something else.