Raise Your Roof with an Addition
If you need more space it may be better to improve rather than to move. Adding a second story onto your home can be more challenging than a typical addition. However, the rewards are great, as you can double the square footage while retaining the existing yard size.
With any remodel there can be challenges, when adding a second story there are structural upgrades that probably will need to be done. Some of this includes reinforcement to your foundation to carry the extra weight, proper stair placement and size, location of plumbing drainage as well as heating and cooling upgrades and new flooring for the additional floor. Keep in mind that the scope of the project may be so great you may need to vacate the home for awhile (to keep your sanity).
On the positive side, when adding a second story, you can design the new space in any way you wish. You can personalize the living space to meet your family’s needs. And most of all you can stay in the neighborhood you love.
While adding a second story requires a great deal of planning, a trusted and experienced design build remodeling firm will be able to help you visualize the various obstacles that may exist in your project, and provide you with different ways that you can overcome those obstacles to build the home of your dreams.